I will only work with a family if we are a good fit. Sounds strange, right? Turning away potential clients? My goal is not to fill in tutoring blocks; it is to make a difference in my students' lives and get results. I became a teacher to help students!
For me, my curriculum is designed around students becoming capable readers and conversationalists who feel comfortable and happy when approaching school and French Immersion.
I will only work with a family if we are a good fit. Sounds strange, right? Turning away potential clients? My goal is not to fill in tutoring blocks; it is to make a difference in my students' lives and get results. I became a teacher to help students!
For me, my curriculum is designed around students becoming capable readers and conversationalists who feel comfortable and happy when approaching school and French Immersion.
With my students, I want to support them not only for their current school year, but also by creating a solid foundation they will take with them later on in their French Immersion journey."
I offer a free strategy session via Zoom for us to learn about your goals, learn about your child's strengths and needs, and offer suggestions for supporting your child's reading and general literacy in French Immersion.
I would love for us to connect; please use the link below to book into my calendar!
I would love for us to connect; please use the link below to book into my calendar!
When my son brought home his interim, I immediately look to the box where the teacher checks “request meeting with parent”...it WASN’T CHECKED!!
That has never happened in all of his time at school.
I did meet virtually because I like to meet the teacher even if there are no issues…just to make sure and ask my questions. When I asked how he was doing, she said she had no concerns and he was doing really well!
He’s engaging in the class, putting his hand up to enthusiastically answer questions, making all kinds of friends, having fun learning….again, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED!!
I actually got choked up at the end of our meeting because I was so relieved and happy. He rarely complains and seems to know that this hard work really does pay off…not just academically but with such newfound confidence at school. I cannot express how much I appreciate your time and patience. I know that we would not have gotten that feedback from the teacher without you!
This year has been my favourite school year thus far because he is having such a great time. His confidence is so remarkable…he is like a different kid compared to one year ago at interims."
"Our family was first introduced to Mme Balston during the "home schooling" phase of the COVID lock-down. At a time when we were struggling to keep our daughter engaged in learning, we found Nicole to be a wonderful resource.
We saw immediately that she was a passionate and energetic teacher and our remote learning sessions became much more productive and enjoyable.
We highly recommend Nicole Balston and her online French immersion tutoring service."
He is a completely different student and learner since the start of summer!! I am so happy with his progress, but also his confidence and he seems to be really enjoying it! I never have to convince him; I just remind him of the time and he looks at his watch and is always on time with you. I am just so happy with everything!! I cannot thank you enough, seriously."